Study Abroad Courses
The following courses have been evaluated toward the Learning Goals of the Core Curriculum. If the course you are interested in is not present, please send an email containing the location, name, course number and course description to
Location | Course Number | Course Name | Learning Goal |
Berlin | FuBest 5 | Cinema before 1945 | Artistic Analysis |
Berlin | FuBest 7 | Art and History | nothing |
Berlin | FuBest 10 | Islam and Europe | Theological Explorations |
Berlin | FuBest 19 | Art and Dictatorships | Artistic Analysis |
Berlin | FuBest 25 | Jewish Legacies in Central Europe | Theological Explorations |
Cape Town | FAM1000S | Analysing Film and Television | Artistic Analysis |
Deakin Australia | ACI 101 | Still Images | Creative Practice |
Deakin Australia | ACV 113 | Drawing for Art and Design | Creative Practice |
Deakin Australia | AIA 105 | Visions of Australia: Time and Space from 1700 to 2010 | Social, Historical, Cultural Understanding |
Deakin Australia | AIH 108 | The World After the Wars: 1945-1991 | Social, Historical, Cultural Understanding |
Deakin Australia | AIH 238 | Australian and the Two World Wars | Social, Historical, Cultural Understanding |
Deakin Australia | AIH 288 | Exploring Australia's Indigenous Pasts | Social, Historical, Cultural Understanding |
Deakin Australia | AIH 288 | Exploring Australia's Indigenous Pasts | Global Perspectives |
Deakin Australia | AIR 120 | Australia and the World | Social, Historical, Cultural Understanding |
Deakin Australia | ALC 105 | Media Culture and Technological Transformations | Global Perspectives |
Deakin Australia | ALL 154 | Power Politics and Texts for Young People | Artistic Analysis |
Deakin Australia | ASP 228 | Philosophy, Art, Film | Artistic Analysis |
Deakin Australia | ASP102 | World Religions | Theological Explorations |
Deakin Australia | ASS 206 | Medical Anthropology | Social, Historical, Cultural Understanding |
Deakin Australia | ASS 234 | 10 Billion People: Environmental Anthropology | Social, Historical, Cultural Understanding |
Deakin Australia | ASS102 | Culture and Communication | Social, Historical, Cultural Understanding |
Florence | LAPYSP300 | Social Psychology | Social, Historical, Cultural Understanding |
Florence | CPMCIC440 | Intepersonal Communication | Social, Historical, Cultural Understanding |
Florence | DI PH ID 180 | Introduction to Digital Photography | Creative Practice |
Florence | DI PH IP 250 | iPhoneography | Creative Practice |
Florence | FA AE AT300 | Art Therapy | nothing |
Florence | FA CE CE 200 | Ceramics Beginner | Creative Practice |
Florence | FA FD WP 210 | Words, Paintings and Emotions: The Mind Map of Creativity | Creative Practice |
Florence | FA FD WP 210 | Words, Painting and Emotions: The Mind Map of Creativity | Creative Practice |
Florence | LA AH AH 210 | Introduction to Art History | Artistic Analysis |
Florence | LA AH AR 340 | Italian Renaissance Architecture | Artistic Analysis |
Florence | LA AH AR 341 | Italian Renaissance Architecture | Artistic Analysis |
Florence | LA AH CI 361 | Contemporary Italian Art | Artistic Analysis |
Florence | LA AH GL 360 | Gardens of Love: Green Paradises in Italy | nothing |
Florence | LA RS RW 300 | World Religions | Theological Explorations |
Florence | LA RS RW 310 | History of Christianity | counts as TRS 101 = yes |
Florence | LA RS RW 320 | Religion and Women | Theological Explorations |
Greece | ES 1011 | Earth and Cosmos | Scientific Understanding |
Greece | PY 1000 | Physics I | Scientific Understanding |
Greece | ES 1010 | Environmental Science: Energy Resources and Pollution | Scientific Understanding |
London | BUS313 | Corporate Social Resonsibility | The Common Good |
London | COM 4023/ FRE 4023 | Paris in Art | Artistic Analysis |
London | DRA 109 | London/ Culture/ Performance | Artistic Analysis |
London | DRA 209 | Reading Theatre | Artistic Analysis |
London | DRA 224 | Performance and Visual Culture | Artistic Analysis |
London | DRA 225 | Spectatorship and Participation | nothing |
London | DRA 304 | Culture, Performance and Globalization | Global Perspectives |
London | DRA 304 | Culture, Performance and Globalization | Artistic Analysis |
London | DRA 316 | Shakespeare after Shakespeare | Artistic Analysis |
London | DRA 333 | Offstage London | Artistic Analysis |
London | DRA 340 | Just for Tourists: Travel, Event, Performance | nothing |
London | DRA 7705 | Contemporary Theater and Performance | Artistic Analysis |
London | ECS637U | Digital Media and Social Networks | nothing |
London | ESH205 | Black Writing in Britain | Artistic Analysis |
London | ESH223 | Satire, Scandal and Society 1700-1740 | Artistic Analysis |
London | ESH227 | Text, Art and Performance in London | Artistic Analysis |
London | ESH256 | Writing the First World War | Artistic Analysis |
London | ESH270 | The Crisis of Culture: Literature and Politics 1918-1948 | nothing |
London | ESH350 | Modernism and Democracy | nothing |
London | ESH382 | Reading Childhood/Writing Children | Artistic Analysis |
London | ESH385 | Gender and Imagination in Victorian Poetry | Artistic Analysis |
London | ESH6006 | Modern Realisms | Artistic Analysis |
London | ESH6008 | Solitude in Life and Letters in Enlightenment Britain | Artistic Analysis |
London | ESH6019 | Researching Modern Warfare. | nothing |
London | FLM5007 | Catalan Cinema | Artistic Analysis |
London | FLM604 | Film Archaeology | nothing |
London | GEG4112 | Global Worlds | Global Perspectives |
London | GEG5112 | Urban Futures: Los Angeles and Las Vegas | nothing |
London | GSH 7001 | Global Shakespheare: History, Theory, and Performance | Artistic Analysis |
London | LIN 222 | Language and the Media | nothing |
London | POL242B | Global Governance | nothing |
London | A Century of Extremes: Germany 1890-1990 | Social, Historical, Cultural Understanding | |
London | Architecture of London 1600-1837 | Artistic Analysis | |
London | Shakespeare: Global Tragedy | Artistic Analysis | |
London | French/Comm 5001 | Memories of WWII in French Literature, Film, Art | Artistic Analysis |
London | GEG6129 | Contemporary India: Politics, Society, and the Economy | Global Perspectives |
London | Hst 5445 | Mandela's World | Global Perspectives |
London | Women and Gender Studies in Medieval Islam | Social, Historical, Cultural Understanding | |
MacQuarie University | MAS211 | NonFiction Writing; Music and Arts Journalism | Artistic Analysis |
MacQuarie University | MAS211 | NonFiction Writing; Music and Arts Journalism | Creative Practice |
Oxford | Art 07 | Italian High Renaissance | Artistic Analysis |
Oxford | ENA 0010 | Oratory | nothing |
Oxford | ENAM 0030 | Poetry | Creative Practice |
Oxford | Enam 0830 | Shakespeare i: Shakespeare in the 1590's | Artistic Analysis |
Oxford | ENAM 0980 | C.S. Lewis, J.R.R. Taolkein, the Inklings and Oxford | Artistic Analysis |
Oxford | HARC 0050 | Greece and Rome | Artistic Analysis |
Oxford | HARC 0850 | Italian Renaissance | Artistic Analysis |
Oxford | Law 1 | The English Legal System | nothing |
Oxford | PHIL 0060 | Aesthetics | Artistic Analysis |
Oxford | Politics 1 | Politics 1 Themes and Issues in Political Theory | Social, Historical, Cultural Understanding |
Oxford | Politics 1 | Politics 1 Themes and Issues in Political Theory | The Common Good |
Oxford | Reli 0810/Hist 0810 | Religion in Late Antiquity: Live Forever or Die Trying | Theological Explorations |
Oxford | RES/1 | The Making of Europe, c. 400-1750 | nothing |
Perth | AL 375 | Australian History and Society | Social, Historical, Cultural Understanding |
Perth | EL1004 | World Literatures Today | Artistic Analysis |
Perth | EL316 | Australian Literature and the Postcolonial Challenge | Global Perspectives |
Perth | EL316 | Australian Literature and the Postcolonial Challenge | Artistic Analysis |
Perth | EL382 | Freedom from Oppression: Literature that changed the World | Artistic Analysis |
Perth | HY 2005 | Age of Empire and Revolution: Europe 1789 to 1989 | Social, Historical, Cultural Understanding |
Perth | HY 2018/3018 | Australians and the World Wars | Social, Historical, Cultural Understanding |
Perth | HY 2022 | The Modern Middle East | Global Perspectives |
Perth | HY2001 | Unearthing the Past: The History and Archaeology of Western Australia | Social, Historical, Cultural Understanding |
Perth | JS317 | Social Justice, Service-Learning and Community Engagement | Community Engagement |
Perth | JS317 | Social Justice, Service-Learning and Community Engagement | The Common Good |
Perth | L3007 | Home and Away: Comparing Political Systems | nothing |
Perth | PH352 | Philosophy of Religion | Theological Explorations |
Perth | PL1001 | Politics, Governance, and Democracy in Australia | Social, Historical, Cultural Understanding |
Perth | PL3014 | Terrorism and the Australian Intelligence Community | nothing |
Perth | PS312 | Beyond Family Violence: Issues & Responses | nothing |
Perth | PS393 | Community: Policy & Development | The Common Good |
Perth | TH 333/HY333 | Friendship: The History and Experience of Christian Friendship | nothing |
Perth | TH101 | Introduction to Theology | nothing |
Perth | TH152 | Introduction to Christian Spirituality | Theological Explorations |
Perth | Th231/HY251 | Early Church History: The Story Begins | Social, Historical, Cultural Understanding |
Perth | TH243 | Anthropology: Human Being within the Mystery | Theological Explorations |
Perth | TH246 | Eschatology: The Living Hope of Christians | Theological Explorations |
Perth | TH247 | Fundamental Moral Theology | The Common Good |
Perth | TH247 | Fundamental Moral Theology | Theological Explorations |
Perth | TH301 | Scripture and the Church | Theological Explorations |
Perth | TS100 | Theory and Practice of Acting | Creative Practice |
Provence | Art 110 | Introduction to Photography | Creative Practice |
Provence | Fre 211 | Living in France | Artistic Analysis |
Provence | Rel 301 | The Problem of God | Theological Explorations |
Provence | Rel 311 | Early History of Christian in Europe | Theological Explorations |
Provence | Rel 312 | Children of Abraham | Theological Explorations |
Rome | AH 100 | Art of Rome | Artistic Analysis |
Rome | AH 102 | Arts of Renaissance and Baroque | Artistic Analysis |
Rome | AH 103 | Arts of Modernity | Artistic Analysis |
Rome | AH 105 | Arts of the Middle Ages: Fourth to Fourteenth Century | Artistic Analysis |
Rome | AH 143 | World Art III: Visual Culture of the Renaissance | Artistic Analysis |
Rome | AH 181 | Power and Politics in Roman Architecture | Artistic Analysis |
Rome | AH 190 | Cities, Towns and Villias | Artistic Analysis |
Rome | AH 194 | Rome and its Monuments | Artistic Analysis |
Rome | AH 195 | Early Italian Renaissance Art | Artistic Analysis |
Rome | AH 220 | Ancient Greek Art and Archaeology | nothing |
Rome | AH 290 | Ancient Rome and its Monuments | Artistic Analysis |
Rome | AH 294 | Renaissance Rome and its Monuments | Artistic Analysis |
Rome | AH 296 | Italian High Renaissance Art | Artistic Analysis |
Rome | AH 298 | Baroque Rome and its Monuments | Artistic Analysis |
Rome | AH 379 | Issues and Trends in Contemporary Art | Artistic Analysis |
Rome | AH 372 | Special Topics in Early Modern Art | Artistic Analysis |
Rome | ANT 100 | Introduction to Anthropology | Global Perspectives |
Rome | AS 110 | Drawing: Roman Sketchbook | Creative Practice |
Rome | AS 204 | Beginning Painting | Creative Practice |
Rome | AS 289 | Digital Photography | Creative Practice |
Rome | Comm 380 | Intercultural Communication | American Diversity |
Rome | HIS 120 | Introduction to Western Civilization | Social Historical Cultural Understaning |
Rome | IS 301 | The Mafia in Italian Society, Literature and Film | nothing |
Rome | LIT 329 | Classical Mythology | Artistic Analysis |
Rome | MA102 | Finite Mathematics | Mathematical Understanding |
Rome | PH/RL 224 | Living the Good Life: Religious and Philosophical Ethics | Theological Explorations |
Rome | PH/RL 224 | Living the Good Life: Religious and Philosophical Ethics | The Common Good |
Rome | RL 220 | Introduction to Islam | Theological Explorations |
Rome | RL 221 | History of the Catholic Church | Social, Historical, Cultural Understanding |
Rome | RL 225 | Mystic, Saints, and Sinners: Studies in Medieval Catholic Culture | Theological Explorations |
Rome | RLG 300 | Comparative World Religions | Theological Explorations |
Rome | RLG 315 | Religions and Cults of the Roman Empire | Theological Explorations |
Rome | RS 362 | The Sanctity of Life: Ancient world to … | Theological Explorations |
Rome | SOS 221 | Introduction to Cultural Anthropology | Social, Historical, Cultural Understanding |
San Jose | His 2302 | Latin American History | Social, Historical, Cultural Understanding |
San Jose | Phot 2100 | Ecological Photography | Creative Practice |
San Jose | Phot 2130 | Cultural Photography | Creative Practice |
St. Petersburg | AH 303 | History of Russian Art | Artistic Analysis |
St. Petersburg | RS 319 | The Russian Orthodox Church, its Development and Influence Today | Theological Explorations |
Sydney (UTS) | 11205 | Architecture and Landscape Cultures | nothing |
Sydney (UTS) | 58101 | Understanding Communication | nothing |
Sydney (UTS) | 58113 | Exploring Media Arts | Creative Practice |
Sydney (UTS) | 58116 | The Ecology of Public Communication | nothing |
Sydney (UTS) | 58122 | Introduction to Social Inquiry | Social Historical Cultural Understanding |
Sydney (UTS) | 58201 | Communication and Cultural Industries and Practices | nothing |
Sydney (UTS) | 58202 | Regulating Communication: Law, Ethics, Politics | nothing |
Sydney (UTS) | 58222 | Global Politics from Above and Below | Social Historical Cultural Understanding |
Sydney (UTS) | 58222 | Global Politics from Above and Below | Global Perspectives |
Sydney (UTS) | 58223 | Social Bodies | nothing |
Sydney (UTS) | 58224 | Australian Pasts and Places | Social Historical Cultural Understanding |
Sydney (UTS) | 58226 | Media, Mediation, Power | Social Historical Cultural Understanding |
Sydney (UTS) | 58227 | Balancing World Views: Introduction to Aboriginal Cultures | Social Historical Cultural Understanding |
Sydney (UTS) | 58227 | Balancing World Views: Introduction to Aboriginal Cultures | Global Perspectives |
Sydney (UTS) | 58323 | Contemporary World Cinema | Artistic Analysis |
Sydney (UTS) | 88305 | Photography 1: Documentation | Creative Practice |
Sydney (UTS) | 976001 | Foundations in International Studies | Social Historical Cultural Understanding |
Sydney (UTS) | 976001 | Foundations in International Studies | Global Perspectives |
Toronto | RLG232 | Religion and Film | nothign |